Liver & Kidney Cleansing

People talk about liver and kidney cleansing in ways that conjure up pictures of driving to something like a carwash, attaching the liver and kidneys to a washing machine, and happily picking them up

Pump Up Your Iron

Iron deficiency anemia is the most common nutritional disorder in the world. Iron, an essential mineral for human health, is required for several vital functions, including carrying oxygen to the tiss

Testing, Testing

Naturopathic doctors (NDs) use naturopathic and conventional diagnostic tools when treating patients. As primary care practitioners, they perform physical exams, Pap smears, and diagnostic lab tests a

Cholesterol Truths

Managing cholesterol is a cornerstone of modern medical care. Patients will say, \"I have high cholesterol\" as if it is a disease, but it is not. High cholesterol is only one risk factor (and not a par

Ancient Kombucha

Used for centuries in Asia, kombucha is a fermented health drink usually made from sugared black team and a symbiosis of yeast and bacteria.Used for centuries in Asia, kombucha is a fermented health d

Plant Sterols Hold Great Promise

Sterols are nautrally occuring components of plant membranes that can help lower cholesterol. Beta sitosterol in particular can also improve prostate health.Cholesterol is a major concern for coronary

If We're So Smart

Humans\' ability to create a sustainable environment is hampered by our basic human nature, a reasoning supported by findings in cognitive research.Humans have big brains. This is the biological basis

Have a Good Day's Sleep

Nurses who worked a few night shifts a month over 10 years increased their risk of breast cancer. Does sleeping during the day affect workers\' health?Are we meant to do shift work? Does our natural bo

Restorative Yoga

Restorative yoga creates a state of deep, active relaxation that can benefit practitioners of any age and ability.Few things are more satisfying than leaving a yoga class drenched in sweat from perfor

Treating Tummy Troubles

Digestive health is one area where natural remedies have scored big, especially those who experience ongoing abdominal pain and rely on alternative remedies.Digestive health is one area where natural

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