Prostate Problems

Most men never think about prostate health until their prostate starts acting up. Prevention strategies include eating plenty of cruciferous vegetables.Are you aware that September 14 to 20 marks Pros


Chlorella is a little green algae, but it\'s one of nature\'s greatest superfoods. It\'s rich in protein, carotenoids and has a multitude of other health benefits.Chlorella is little green algae, but it’

I Remember When… I Could Remember

Forgotten someone\'s name right after she introduced herself? Luckily research indicates you can easily improve and maintain a sharp memory with a healthy lifestyle.Have you ever forgotten someone’s na


Voluntouring - volunteering on vacation - is an increasing travel trend. In this issue, we introduce you to World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms or WWOOF.Voluntouring—volunteering while on vacati


An antioxidant is a molecule that helps stop oxidative stress by scavenging free radicals. Learn how this helps the body and where to find the best antioxidant sources.An antioxidant is a molecule tha

Phthalates and Parabens

Phthalates and parabens are ubiquitous ingredients in many cosmetics. Some companies reassure us that they are harmless, but recent research suggests otherwise.As a conscientious consumer, you stay in

A Healthy Smile

Fortunately, choosing which toothpastes, toothbrushes, floss, and whitening products to use gets a bit easier when we look at natural dental products.Anyone who has tried to make sense of the myriad d

Long Live Healthy Aging

Read the news, though, and instead of a positive spin on longevity you might catch yet another tale about how the aging of the baby boomers is doing nothing but straining publicly funded services.Shei

Now Hear This!

May is Speech and Hearing Awareness Month. Discover the causes and types of hearing loss and how to protect your hearing.What would life be like if you were unable to hear your favourite song or your

Breast Screening Options

In 2008 an estimated 22,400 Canadian women were diagnosed with breast cancer. Even with increased public awareness, the rate is still increasing. The numbers underline the importance of early detectio

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