Study: Parents Don’t View Obesity as Serious Medical Issue

Obesity affects between 15 and 30 percent of American children, but a new study shows that many parents do n

Baby Skincare Basics All First-Time Parents Should Know

It's true: Babies don't come with manuals. So, if you have a newborn on your hands and are w

What the First Week With a Newborn is Really Like

It was our first full day at home with our 3-day-old son, Noah. By 7 p.m., he was sleeping in his bassinet a

Study: Taste for Salt Develops in Infancy

\"Our data would suggest that if one wants to reduce salt in the population as a whole, then it\'s important t

How My Family Is Paleo (in Our Own Way)

We are a Paleo family. Paleo is such a trendy diet that admitting it makes me cringe a bit inside. It sounds

What Life as a New Mom Is Really Like

While my husband, Todd, drove us home from the hospital, I sat in the back and held our newborn daughter&apo

High-Fructose Corn Syrup Name Change Denied

The request came on the heels of a national advertising campaign promoting the syrup as a natural ingredient

Energy Drinks Replacing Soda as Kids’ Favorites

...[R]esearchers looked at trends in caffeine intake among people ages 2 to 22 between 1999 to 2010. T

Cleaning Baby’s Messiest Parts

Dirty Diapers There's nothing more adorable than a baby, especially when he's yours. At the other

Postpartum Swelling: Everything You Need to Know

Giving birth doesn't give you back your former body; you're still in for some big changes as it re

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