Couple Gets Married at the Hospital… While the Bride\’s in Labor!

Stephanie Tallent and Jason Nece

I love a good surprise birth story over here on this blog… and today's installment is deliciously over the top!

Engaged couple Stephanie Tallent and Jason Nece were at Texas Children's Pavilion for Women in Houston on Friday, for a regularly scheduled ultrasound appointment to monitor Stephanie's pregnancy. She was 36 weeks along.

But, surprise: at the appointment they learned that Stephanie was actually in active labor and already five centimeters dilated!

The pair had been planning to get married before their daughter was born—and in fact, they'd just picked up their marriage license the day before. No time like the present, amiright?!

With the news, Jason raced to the car to get the license and a white dress Stephanie had stashed there—she'd planned to take it to the dry cleaners. And he called the hospital's chaplain to perform the marriage ceremony right on the spot!

Within a half hour, the ceremony was arranged. Doctors, nurses, and clinic staff were all on hand with details like flowers and an a capella serenade in place while the couple exchanged their vows!

Karla Wagner, ob-gyn and maternal fetal medicine specialist at Baylor Obstetrics and Gynecology at Texas Children's Pavilion for Women, walked Stephanie down the aisle of the clinic to the assessment room where the wedding went down.

Afterward, the bride went straight to the pre-op area of the hospital's labor and delivery unit for a c-section, as the baby was in breech position.

A few hours later, the best wedding gift ever: the birth of baby Sophia at 6 pounds, 3 ounces.

How's that for a super-accelerated version of "first comes love, then comes marriage, and then comes the baby in the baby carriage!?"

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Alesandra Dubin is a mom to one-year-old boy-girl twins. She's also a Los Angeles-based writer and the founder of lifestyle blog Homebody in Motion. Follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Google  and Twitter.


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